Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Best Delivery Pizza in Downtown?

Hi All

I am staying at two places downtown; during the week I%26#39;ll be at the Marriott and for the weekend I%26#39;ll be at University Place. Can someone give recommendation for the best pizza that can be delivered to those places? Or, is there something within walking distance that can be carried out? We are partial to Chicago deep dish style but have also enjoyed very well prepared thin crust.


Best Delivery Pizza in Downtown?

I was hoping someone else might know the answer to your question. I%26#39;ve never had pizza delivered downtown, so can%26#39;t really comment. Plus, I%26#39;m not a Chicago-style fan and don%26#39;t know which pizzeria is best for that here in Indy.

Having said all that ... My favorite pizzeria in Indy is Bazbeaux%26#39;s - they have a restaurant on Mass Avenue. They occasionally produce a thick crust pizza (but not Chicago style), but are known for their Roman style pizza - with the thin flavorful crust with traditional and ';gourmet'; toppings. I don%26#39;t even know if they deliver (I%26#39;m thinking they don%26#39;t, but I%26#39;ve seen guys on bicycles carrying their boxes around downtown at lunch, so ...). Theirs is the closes thing to the pizza we were served in Florence and in Rome that I%26#39;ve experienced here in the midwest. Very good pizza.

Best Delivery Pizza in Downtown?

Good pizza and Indianapolis are foreign concepts for the most part. I do like Bazbeaux%26#39;s. Most of the downtown pizza is really bad. You might ask at the hotels - but working downtown I really do not find much good pizza.

Not sure myself about pizza in the downtown area. If you are able to drive, try going to Union Jack%26#39;s in Speedway. From Meridian Streeet go north to 16th. Go west about 3 and half miles past The Indianapolis Motor Speedway to Crawfordsville Road. Angle right turn about another 2-3 miles and it will be on the right next to a Hardees. Look for the sign with the car on top of it

Mmmmm....Papa John%26#39;s....

Oh definitely Union Jacks. Don%26#39;t they still have a location in Broadripple?

Yes, still one in BR

Agree, Union Jacks is MUCH closer to a Chicago Style pizza.

Bazbeaux is a good choice on Massachusetts Ave. and they deliver. Girogio%26#39;s has good pizza by the slice - they are on East Market St. just east of Monumenrt Circle, but doubt they deliver (worth a call though).

Union Jacks, hands down the best pizza in Indy

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